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The sky's crying, so it's raining...

It's Friday, the sky's crying so it's raining....
some people don't like rain,
Some people like it.
I'm in between.
And You????

Ego Ku
Aku selalu merasa jadi orang yang berjuang sendiri, dan tak menyadari bahwa sebenarnya ada seseorang yang mendukungku tanpa kuketahui.

Aku selalu merasa jadi orang yang diabaikan, padahal ada seseorang yang mempedulikanku secara diam-diam

Aku selalu merasa dinomorduakan, padahal ada seseorang yang sebenarnya lebih mementingkan apa yang kubutuhkan dari pada apa yang ia butuhkan.

Aku selalu merasa ini dan itu, tanpa memikirkan bagaimana perasaanmu.

Yang aku pikirkan hanyalah aku, sedangkan yang kamu pikirkan adalah aku.

Maafkan aku sayang...
Maafkan keegoisanku...
Andai saja jarak bisa lebih ramah padaku, mungkin saja airmata ini tak kuhapus sendiri. #IMissYouMyHubby
A lier
She is a lier
a lier woman
a lier wife
a lier mother

She lives in a lier life
she tells a true lier
she lies a lier
She is a happy lier
She is a sad lier

I don't want to be a lier
but she has raised me in a lier life
so, I'm a lier to her.
The one She called Dad
Her Dad was no longer her dad
He'd been a stranger to her
He is not on her side anymore
He doesn't keep the promises like he did before
What he said were all lying
And the heart of a daughter has been hurted.
and she no longer believe her dad who's no longer her dad
look at his face: don't be too serious baby :p
Here is the baby

This is the baby and me :)

it's an accessory for my hijab and was given by my friend, Ida :D

a pose with a new style of hijab, new head band and new blouse :)

I love it sooooo much :)

I did this pose before I went to my lecturer's boarding house...

it's the blouse... I think I look fat and like a pregnant woman... T_T but still cute right :P

those are the nutrition for today... an orange juice and a stack of paper (-_-)!!!

Happy Saturday Night All :)
Here it is.... I only use a pin and a headband :) nice right :D yessss.... just say yessss... pleaseeee :P

It's a bit a close pose :)

it was in the market... my mommy was in there... choosing the stuffs....

they are the sellers.... say Cheers everybodeh!!!!

Find out where's my mommy :) hahahaha.......

she is Ida... it was her first time doing that kind of hijab style.... looked nice right :)

they were our breakfast.... some bread... and Bacang--> it contains of rice and chicken meat in there ... so yummi :)

look!!!.... we did really study right :D

it was me.... posed in front of my messy books... and the new hijab's style :)

did pose together :)

After I was there... I take all of my stuffs and I found that there were a lot of things which had something to do with an electricity stuff such as cable.... yakkk a lot of chargers .... -_-

It was quite hot in there, so I opened the window... and over the window, I could see my major of Library... it brought back the memories (T_T)

beside I found a lot of cables in my bag,,,, there were also some stuffs such as my make up... my mobile phone, my pens, my money, my flash disk ect... :)

I also found a toefl score which had already expired hehehe.... :D

I also met my friend,,,, and take some pictures... :D

we found a new method to take a picture.... don't look at the model, but look at the girl on the mirror :)

Yuppp... the focus is on the mirror :)

it was when I zoomed her face... :)

it is the garden in front of my university's mosque :) and they are some building is under construction :D

a weird pose... it's like there is a very big fingers which is going to snap at her face :)

it's like she is touching her own finger :)

it's me... I tried to bother her by pulling her veil :P a devil hand hahaha :D

hahaha... it was my devil foot which tried to kick her hahaha :P

I tried to steal her mobile phone.... :D

the Colourful of Colourless

Living in a Colourful of Colourless Ocean

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George Orwell

"Who Controls The Past Control The Future, Who Controls The Present Control The Past"
Mai Roza HR. Diberdayakan oleh Blogger.

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About Me

Foto Saya
Do you really wanna know me? really? are you sure? okay.... I'm gonna tell you a lil bit about me. I'm just a chaos and distractible girl. I'd love to randomly post anything which distracts me. So, my post could be a sad, gloomy, cheerful, cheesy, fashionable, messy, creative or stuck writing. Just Enjoy!!!! :D
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