Nowadays, whose don’t know about social networking? More over Facebook, one of social networking which easiest to use, interesting performance, and it’s booming at this time. You can share everything with your communities: your mind, your pictures, your friends and this networking also connecting you to every person whom you like to make a relationship. Facebook had many application which will make you don’t want to go anywhere and stay in front of your computer, such as an application to chat with your friend. Not too different with Blogger it’s also one of social networking as a place to share your mind, your writing and also your pictures and it’s also have many gadget such as games, music, and etc you can put into your Blogger . The most things it’s about how to share everything to the other people by social networking in a virtual world.
Social networking is available to everyone. As Facebook, so don’t be surprises if your parents and your young sister on 5th grade have joined into this social networking. Its true guys, I know it when my sister and I went to internet cafeteria to search data for assignment and then we used a computer which beside of us was a child, and when I peeped on her computer you know what was her opening? You can guess it, that’s right “Facebook”, that’s why I said that Facebook is a social networking which easiest to used because it’s have an easiest instruction to get an account to activate your Facebook, you just have to get an email whichever you like, whatever it gmail, yahoo, or hotmail, all of its available to get an account and then you just open the Facebook’s website: After that there is a text “Sign In on the right and Sign Up under of Sign In” don’t go to Sign In if you haven’t had an account. So, move your cursor to Sign Up because it’s first step to get an account and then fill the data which their need, in the end of instruction just click Sign Up’s text, and the next step fill the verification word into a blank square and then finish, you have gotten the account but to start your Facebook you should confirm a link which will send into your email. Just go to your email and click the confirmation link and then let’s starts Facebooking. You can invite all of your friends and after your friend’s confirm your request you’ll be friend with them. Not only your close friend you also can add new friend although your childhood friend. It has been similar way when you want to activate Blogger. You also need an email to have an account, just go to Blogger’s website: After that there’s also have “Sign In” but as I said that don’t go to “Sign In” if you haven’t had an account. So move your cursor to “Create an Account” and click that texts and then there’s three steps to get your Blogger. The first follow the instruction by right, the second write your link on the blank square and the last choose your template. Before you start blogging as usually, you should confirm the confirmation link which is sent to your email and then write everything, after that publish your writing by click the publishes text.
As I said that the most things it’s about how to share everything to the other people by social networking in a virtual world, but in the different ways. Entertain is one of the ways of Facebook to serve their customer, you can write something and then your friend can comment your writing it’s an appreciate for you because your friend like your writing. Chat, games, questioner and etc also kinds of entertain one. Moreover chatting application it’s the interesting one, because without open your yahoo messenger you can chat by Facebook. Blogger also have many interesting gadget you can put it into your blogger such as games, music and etc. You also can change or edit your background become different. You can go to edit html whichever edit by manual or you can find out the free template to Google and then you download and upload it into your blogger. In Blogger there’s have a capacity to give a comment and it’s also appreciate your writing. Even tough Blogger haven’t had the chatting application it’s also interesting if you have a Facebook you can used it as a place to share your writing, just put the link into your Facebook so you can share both of your social networking.
Sharing is the way this social networking to serve us, not only Facebook and Blogger there’s have million kinds of entertain application. So don’t forget to joint in this social networking.

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