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Hey All!!! What's Up!!! Here again.... CoC Fashion Today present a hijab tutorial. I call it a simple quare hijab..... Let's check it out!!!

Prepare a square hijab and ciput
fold your hijab into a triangle
then put the ciput first and then the hijab on your head,

then, fold the right side of your hijab
after that take it to the left and pin it with a needle
the next step take the rest of your left hijab, hold the side of your hjab in the middle and the lower of your hijab

then, take the middle of the side of your hijab to the back and pin it with a needle, and for the lower of your hijab pin it on your shoulder with a needle too.
So... this is the result!!!

How is it guys???? interesting??? hahah just say yes :)
Thanks for reading my post,,,, see you on the next month's posting everyone!!! bye-bye!!!

Well…… along my way to college, I got rain…… and you know, it’s really an annoying condition Shifty.

I don’t mean that I hate that Rain…… I like that water in a certain condition.

I like water when I’m so thirsty, I would prefer to drink water then soft drink, or other beverages. I like water when I take a bath, yesss… I do like it…… don’t you Open-mouthed smile?

But it’s really so suck for me, when I’ve already taken a bath, put on make up on my face, put on the finest clothes I have ever had and I’m ready to go to college then…… suddenly the rain comes down… and it ruins everything. It ruins my make up and my clothes. You know, your face will look abstract…… Confused smile

Once again I told you that I don’t hate it but sometimes I just don’t like it because sometimes it comes in my time.

Maybe you would suggest why don’t I put on my rain coat and the problem’s over. Yes, that’s right I ‘d prefer not to wear it because it’s smelly. It doesn’t mean that I don’t wash it but the smell comes from the material of the raincoat itself. When you put it on, the smell will stick on your clothes and you’d better go home and change your clothes.
YEY!!!!!………… I’m ready to inspire all of you again guys!!! I’m back…… and I’m here to show you my unfashionable fashion…… hahahaha

Do you all hate Monday?? and you don’t know how to make your Monday looks nice in your fashion???

yeppp!!! Here I am to show you my Fashion today…. I call it my Formal Monday……

My outfits are a grey hijab, a black tanktop, a grey blazer, a blue jeans, and a black shoes…

So, what are you waiting for???? Let’s Check it Out!!!!

So!!!! How is it guys???? is it good??? haaha for Fashion Today I did’t forget to put shoes on my feet hahaha… just give it a try…. Smile I know…. you do really wanna try it right??? Smile with tongue out so…… what are you waiting for???? Open-mouthed smile
Hi again everyone!!! are you waiting for my posting??? aren't you???
hahaha.... yup... for this posting I'm still talking and sharing about my unfashionable fashion hahaha....
yuppp.... my outfit are a purple hijab, a black T-shirt, a square purple shirt, a blue jeans and don't forget the purple shoes

Yupppp.... this outfit is really suitable with a person who's active and it's like she wanna run to every corner of the city..... You'll look funky if you did like me :D hahahahah.... do you mind to try it??? C'mon.... You'll look Funky in Purple Black :)
Hi Gurls!!!!
Today I would like to share you  my Fashion.....
I hope it would give you  a very nice look,,,,,, like I did, didn't I???
Today I was in Soft Grey Blawn (Blawn is Black and Brown)
Check it out :)

I wore a grey hijab, a black taktop, a black skirt and a brown cardigan.

How's it gurls :D I know, there's something missing there.... I didn't wear shoe... that's it!!! I just forgot to put the shoes..... next time I will be better than today.... hahahha is it inspired you guys???? or,,,,,, it isn't inspired AT ALL??? well....... it doesn't matter for me.... I just wanna share, if you like it I will say thanks... but if you don't like it I won't be angry..... see you next time!!! byeeeee

#Day 23: CoC's Photograph
Hi There!!!!!
Now,,,, I'd like to show you some of my editing on photograph. Yeahhhh.... I'd really love to edit a picture.... whatever they are.... especially a picture of mine.... here some of them....
I hope all of you will like it.... :D 
Check it out!!!

the first is the photograph that I like the most..... why do I like it, it's because I like to make myself like a cartoon.... can you see that.... isn't it cute :)


 the second photograph is quite cute right? I like the antique theme and love when I can see my face on the half side  like this or the eyes which is not really care about the camera but still gives some expressions...

The third photograph is playing on the deepen color and the blur. I like to make the other picture looks blur. it's like I'm covering the other and showing the other side which I want you to see....

That's all guys.... maybe those photographs aren't good enough because I'm sill an amateur photographer. I like to take a picture of myself and others. ahhh.... maybe you would like to know the photograph of the man above... he's someone special.... that's why I combine his picture with mine..... so don't be curious anymore okay...
see you on the next posting guys :D
#Day 22 : Demi Allah……
Demi Allah…… dari awal niat gue berumah tangga dengan menerima lamaran abang adalah untuk membahagiakan kedua orang tua gue. Tak ada sedikit pun rasa menyesal ketika gue sudah resmi menjadi istrinya. Semua gue lakukan demi mencapai ridho kedua orang tua gue dan ridho-Nya.

Bukan harta, tahta atau pun ketampanan yang gue cari, tetapi sosok yang bisa berbagi segala suka dan duka, sosok yang bisa memahami, mengerti dan menerima gue apa adanya, sosok yang bisa membuat gue NYAMAN apapun itu kondisinya. Dan saat ini rasa nyaman itu gue temukan pada Abang.

Namun, kini gue harus meneguk pahit yang tiba-tiba saja dilemparkan ke muka gue oleh orang yang ingin gue bahagiain. Gue tau, dia ingin melihat gue bahagia dengan serba kecukupan, namun kenyataannya untuk saat ini gue harus bersabar menjalani semuanya satu persatu, meraih mimpi gue sampai akhirnya nanti barulah gue bisa tersenyum lebar atas hasil yang gue peroleh selama ini.

Untuk mencapai sebuah kesuksesan itu gak mudah dan gak ada yang instan… semuanya butuh proses. Dan ini yang membuat gue luka, apa yang gue lakukan selama ini ternyata tak lagi berharga bahkan mungkin dipandang sebelah mata. Entah lah… gue gak tau dan gak mau menerka-nerka.

Namun gue yakin, Allah itu gak buta dan gak tuli. Ia adalah saksi yang meskipun tak nampak oleh mata namun, kebenarannya sangat nyata. Manusia terkadang suka khilaf, lupa, dan alpa. Tetapi Allah tidak……

Demi Allah……  Gue Ikhlas lahir batin, walau bagaimanapun keadaannya gue akan selalu mendampingi suami gue, semoga Allah SWT tak henti-hentinya melimpahkan rahmat serta inayahnya terhadap kita semua……

Demi Allah……
SAYA IKHLAS, dan Demi Allah…… SAYA SAYANG mereka yang sudah membesarkan dan mendidik saya……
#Day 21 : Nulis gak ya?
Berkali-kali gue ulang kata-kata ini dalam pikiran gue. Nulis gak ya, nulis gak ya, nulis gak ya? Pengen sih nulis, tapi nulis apaan ya? Padahal sebelum gue memutuskan untuk menulis, beberapa menit yang lalu, rasanya banyak hal yang ada di dalam otak gue.

Rasanya pengen gue ungkapin lewat tulisan. Tapi kenyataannya malah, ketika berhadapan dengan keyboard notebook seketika tangan gue tuh kayak kaku, otak gue tuh tiba-tiba kosong. Gak ada sederet kata pun yang bisa gue ungkapkan lewat tulisan. Dan akhirnya, ini lah yang berhasil gue tulis. Keraguan gue untuk menulis.

Mungkin hal ini terjadi karena gue udah semakin jarang nulis kali ya??? emmm…… berasa banget kakunya karena udah jarang latihan nulis. Berasa banget banyak hal yang tertumpuk dan akhirnya menghilang dalam ingatan karena tak diabadikan.

Ngerasa gak sih kalau dengan menulis tuh, sama aja kita mengabadikan moment yang terjadi dalam hidup kita. Ternyata gak cuma foto atau video aja yang bisa merekam sebuah cerita. Tulisan pun punya kekuatan untuk mengabadikan sejarah sebuah negara, tentang hal terbaik dalam hidup maupun yang terburuk. Secarik surat yang ditulis dalam beberapa paragraf dari seorang ibu pun bisa membuat kita rindu untuk pulang kampung… Hemphhhh…… Jadi, bagi yang suka menulis apapun itu, nulis diari kek… jangan malu karena dibilang cemen nulis di diari…… karena disitulah ceritamu hidup, cerita yang nantinya bisa kamu bagikan dengan anak cucu mu…. So!!!! HAPPY WRITING!!!! Dare to write what you think!!!!

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Do you really wanna know me? really? are you sure? okay.... I'm gonna tell you a lil bit about me. I'm just a chaos and distractible girl. I'd love to randomly post anything which distracts me. So, my post could be a sad, gloomy, cheerful, cheesy, fashionable, messy, creative or stuck writing. Just Enjoy!!!! :D
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