I've ever came to this place by my self, in along log time ago. I came to make my own world, for the first I am happy here, without anyone but when I saw you at out of my world, the abstract feeling comes into my heart, I don't know what is it, but it's make me hurt because your world and my world is different, differences come to injure my heart, even though it's always hurt me I can't beat off this feeling. So I decided to left this place.
I've been let this place empty, when I've been sure to decide that I wanted to go away from my feeling, now this place still empty, it's waiting for me to come back and filled the empty chair for the lost time, and story with somebody who want to spent his time with me in this place. I am waiting for that time. Before it comes, I'll never visited this place. . . . so give me time to do find out you!!!