January 04, 2010
"I hope poverty will get less and the corruptors will go away. But I think this is just a dream," says Mai Roza.
"I hope poverty will get less and the corruptors will go away. But I think this is just a dream," says Mai Roza.
My Jakarta: Mai Roza, Literature Student
Mai Roza is changing as fast as her country. The sharp 19-year-old moved to the capital from her village in Sumatra only a year ago, but already writes three blogs and reads George Orwell.
She is in her first year of studying English literature at Islamic University 45 in Bekasi, and has plans to one day return home to teach English to the children in her village.
Where are you from?
My family comes from Jambi, which is in Sumatra. We have the Dayak people there, like in Papua. We moved here after I graduated from high school.
What are you currently learning about at university?
We just read George Orwell’s “Animal Farm.” We’re reading “1984” now.
What did you think of ‘Animal Farm’?
I have three impressions: There are two classes of humans, the ruling class and the working class; power becomes so terrible, it always represses human beings; and rebellion is useless as long as there are different classes and the same concept of power.
What are your hobbies?
I like to play games on my phone before I do my assignments. I like blogging on blogger.com. I have three different blogs. One is academic writing that my English teacher wants. One is secret, I don’t put my name there. I share my feelings about who I’m falling in love with, whatever. I also have my daily diary where I write about my friends and everything that happens during the day.
Does it bother you that everybody can read what you are writing?
I don’t really care about it.
What do you want to do after you graduate?
I want to be an interpreter. It’s a challenge for me to observe foreigners, to try to understand what they’re saying and explain it to others. Also, my lecturer is an interpreter. He makes a lot of money a week. He can make Rp 1 million [$100] in one day.
What do you think of Jakarta?
It’s a traffic city. It’s crowded with people, but many more want to come here because it is the capital. They think they’ll get a job easily here.
Will you stay in Jakarta after you finish your studies?
When I finish school I will go back. I want to teach English in my village.
How many people live in your village?
There are different villages close by to one another. Each village is maybe about 100 houses.
Does anyone speak English in your village?
My teacher. He was the first one who motivated me to study English literature.
Did you have access to the Internet in your village?
But now you have Internet on your phone, right?
I have the Opera minibrowser. I use it for Facebook. Also, I can do my assignments from here — my academic writing.
So you type assignments on your phone?
Yes. It takes about 30 minutes for each assignment.
You seem very smart.
My friends have not finished reading their novels for school yet, but I have. So they say I’m clever. But actually, I’m not really. I am learning. I just try to do my best.
Do you read for fun?
I don’t read books for fun. Well, I read one book, “Eleven Minutes,” about a prostitute. Also “Alice in Wonderland,” in school.
Do you read blogs?
I read Indonesian blogs about short stories. Also about life, about love, things like that.
You’re an English student but you don’t read English blogs?
No. Never. Can you help me to find some?
What music do you like?
Any music. I like the Plain White T’s, like the song “Hey There Delilah.” I also like Coldplay, Muse, Radiohead, stuff like that. I’m writing about Coldplay in the student magazine. I think Coldplay play very cool music.
Do you like to write?
I want to try to learn to write short stories. It’s my assignment, but I think I like to do it.
Do you have a boyfriend?
No! I have no boyfriend. I want one, but not now because it will interfere with my studies. If I had a boyfriend, I would spend all my time with him and I wouldn’t have time to study. So I will pass this course and then I will look for a man.
What do you think about the future of Indonesia?
I don’t know exactly. I hope for the best for my country. I hope poverty will get less and the corruptors will go away. But I think this is just a dream.
You don’t think you can do anything?
I don’t know if anything can change. It’s politics. I hate politics.