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what's up

I get bad headache. . . . .

oh my assignment!!!!!

please don't strangle me. . . . . .

I do miss you my night. . . .
with you I can feel more calm, , ,
with the weather and the dark.

where are the people going to?

they leave me here, without ask me first, does I wanted to go with them?

hufffffff. . . . . .

actually I hate alone here, , , ,

and I hate if they leave me alone here. . . . ..


Au'AH Lapppppppp

I am thinking about how to make me comfortable without anyone? whereas what am I thinking about is nonsense. . . .

I just try to avoid from everyone who is make me do not comfortable. . .
does it a mistake? who has made me uncomfortable, , , ,

So let me alone with all of my mind, , , , , only for this day, , , , only for this moment, , , , ,

Humphhhh. . . . . . . .
Something Behind me

I saw something behind my way, it followed me quietly, it made me worry, it bothered me, it scared me, I just couln't run away from that thing, it was something like a dark shadow. . .

but suddenly, it came in front of me.... I wanted to scream but I couldn't there was no voice of mine....

finnaly it came close to me and hug me with its cold....
and I just couldn't move anymore and fell in to its grasp.

It's not about death, but it's about sleep at the moment in your side, , , ,

I ever fell into the deep hole, that is when you left me alone in a sadness corner. when I need your cared but you ignored me, when i cried beside you but you laughed of my cries. I hated you at that moment, do hate!!!

but now, you know, i never cried when you left me alone even though I get great sadness, , , , , you make me uncried again by your ignorance and I become so strong to face my life because of you. . . . .

I've ever came to this place by my self, in along log time ago. I came to make my own world, for the first I am happy here, without anyone but when I saw you at out of my world, the abstract feeling comes into my heart, I don't know what is it, but it's make me hurt because your world and my world is different, differences come to injure my heart, even though it's always hurt me I can't beat off this feeling. So I decided to left this place.

I've been let this place empty, when I've been sure to decide that I wanted to go away from my feeling, now this place still empty, it's waiting for me to come back and filled the empty chair for the lost time, and story with somebody who want to spent his time with me in this place. I am waiting for that time. Before it comes, I'll never visited this place. . . . so give me time to do find out you!!!
apa-apaan seh?

setiap kali mengintip kedalam diri gue, gue malah jadi bingung sama diri gue yang sebenernya. seperti apakah sebenarnya manusia yang diciptakan oleh sang maha kuasa ini, gue berkali-kali mengorek-ngorek siapa diri gue sebenernya, namun seperti nya gue masih belum menemukannya, , , , seperti apa gue ini sebenernya???

tapi tiap kali gue ngejalanin hidup ini, , ,

meskipun sulit sekalipun, , , ,

gue akan mencoba untuk tetap melihat ke depan, dan mencoba untuk menikmati setial detil perih, pedih, manis, dan indahnya hidup ini, , , ,

life is beautiful, klise banget, , , tapi emang bener kan, , , hidup ini emang indah kalo kita pintar menjalaninya.. . . . .

kaloooooo. . . . .. .

JUst Let It Flow Ajaaaaaa. . . . . .


ngacapruk lagiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
Shy, , , ,

setiap orang pasti pernah mengalami perasaan malu, , , ,
dalam kondisi apapun, dan dalam hal apapun, , , ,
begitupun gue , , , ,
apalagi kalo ada elo, , , ,
gue pasti jadi malu, ,, , ,
kenapa ya? gue harus malu sama elo???
gue, , , , , , , ,
, , ,, ,
, , , , , , ,
, , , , , , ,
, , , , ,!!!!!!!!

Genk-Genk an = SMA
Mahasiswi masih Genk-Genk an berarti = SMA

Emang salah kalo Genk-Genk an???


Maksudnya gak TAUUUUU<<<<, , , , ,>>>>>

Facebooking and Blogging
Nowadays, whose don’t know about social networking? More over Facebook, one of social networking which easiest to use, interesting performance, and it’s booming at this time. You can share everything with your communities: your mind, your pictures, your friends and this networking also connecting you to every person whom you like to make a relationship. Facebook had many application which will make you don’t want to go anywhere and stay in front of your computer, such as an application to chat with your friend. Not too different with Blogger it’s also one of social networking as a place to share your mind, your writing and also your pictures and it’s also have many gadget such as games, music, and etc you can put into your Blogger . The most things it’s about how to share everything to the other people by social networking in a virtual world.

Social networking is available to everyone. As Facebook, so don’t be surprises if your parents and your young sister on 5th grade have joined into this social networking. Its true guys, I know it when my sister and I went to internet cafeteria to search data for assignment and then we used a computer which beside of us was a child, and when I peeped on her computer you know what was her opening? You can guess it, that’s right “Facebook”, that’s why I said that Facebook is a social networking which easiest to used because it’s have an easiest instruction to get an account to activate your Facebook, you just have to get an email whichever you like, whatever it gmail, yahoo, or hotmail, all of its available to get an account and then you just open the Facebook’s website: After that there is a text “Sign In on the right and Sign Up under of Sign In” don’t go to Sign In if you haven’t had an account. So, move your cursor to Sign Up because it’s first step to get an account and then fill the data which their need, in the end of instruction just click Sign Up’s text, and the next step fill the verification word into a blank square and then finish, you have gotten the account but to start your Facebook you should confirm a link which will send into your email. Just go to your email and click the confirmation link and then let’s starts Facebooking. You can invite all of your friends and after your friend’s confirm your request you’ll be friend with them. Not only your close friend you also can add new friend although your childhood friend. It has been similar way when you want to activate Blogger. You also need an email to have an account, just go to Blogger’s website: After that there’s also have “Sign In” but as I said that don’t go to “Sign In” if you haven’t had an account. So move your cursor to “Create an Account” and click that texts and then there’s three steps to get your Blogger. The first follow the instruction by right, the second write your link on the blank square and the last choose your template. Before you start blogging as usually, you should confirm the confirmation link which is sent to your email and then write everything, after that publish your writing by click the publishes text.

As I said that the most things it’s about how to share everything to the other people by social networking in a virtual world, but in the different ways. Entertain is one of the ways of Facebook to serve their customer, you can write something and then your friend can comment your writing it’s an appreciate for you because your friend like your writing. Chat, games, questioner and etc also kinds of entertain one. Moreover chatting application it’s the interesting one, because without open your yahoo messenger you can chat by Facebook. Blogger also have many interesting gadget you can put it into your blogger such as games, music and etc. You also can change or edit your background become different. You can go to edit html whichever edit by manual or you can find out the free template to Google and then you download and upload it into your blogger. In Blogger there’s have a capacity to give a comment and it’s also appreciate your writing. Even tough Blogger haven’t had the chatting application it’s also interesting if you have a Facebook you can used it as a place to share your writing, just put the link into your Facebook so you can share both of your social networking.

Sharing is the way this social networking to serve us, not only Facebook and Blogger there’s have million kinds of entertain application. So don’t forget to joint in this social networking.

Living in a Colourful of Colourless Ocean

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George Orwell

"Who Controls The Past Control The Future, Who Controls The Present Control The Past"
Mai Roza HR. Diberdayakan oleh Blogger.

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Foto Saya
Do you really wanna know me? really? are you sure? okay.... I'm gonna tell you a lil bit about me. I'm just a chaos and distractible girl. I'd love to randomly post anything which distracts me. So, my post could be a sad, gloomy, cheerful, cheesy, fashionable, messy, creative or stuck writing. Just Enjoy!!!! :D
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