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Hemph….. Ia kembali….
Awan biru yang tampak kelabu dan menguning itu kembali bertengger diatas pohon yang biasanya ia singgahi dulu.

tempat dimanaku berteduh, menghindari sengatan matahari yang kadang biasa menggganguku, kala sedang ingin bersantai dari hiruk pikuk rumah dan kotaku.

Tempat biasa kami bersenda gurau, tertawa, berkejar-kejaran diantara rerumputan yang terkadang menghijau dipagi hari, mengering ditengah hari, menguning di sore hari dan bahkan menghitam di malam hari.

Mungkin ianya telah bosan berkeliling diseputaran langit yang kadang membiru dan menghitam, memudar dan berpendar-pendar.

Atau mungkin ia rindukan aku dan pohonku yang biasanya jail mengganggunya dikala ia sedang ingin menghilangkan kepenatan.

Entahlah, apapun alasan nya kembali kepadaku dan pohonku aku tak perduli.
Yang penting awan biru, kelabu dan menguning itu telah kembali kepangkuanku.

Awan yang selama ini telah meninggalkanku karena ingin bermain sebentar diantara langit yang membiru dan menghitam, memudar dan berpendar-pendar.

Dan kini, ia kembali untuk melepas kerinduan yang telah lama hilang, yang telah lama aku dan awanku lupakan, yang telah lama aku simpan, sampai hari ini akan aku lepaskan hanya untuk awan ku seorang.

Terimakasih atas kembalinya kamu awan biru yang tampak kelabu dan menguning.
Terimakasih telah kembali bermain bersamaku…..
Just Swift Eps. Memudar

Terkadang, apa yang dirasa tak selalu benar adanya
Perasaan yang indah, kadang datang mewarnai dan kemudian pergi
Meninggalkan warna yang semakin lama semakin memudar.

Hari itu merupakan hari paling kelabu yang pernah kualami, hari paling kelabu itu diawali dengan kehilangan dan akhirya semua warna-warna kelabu itu bertaburan disepanjang hari-hari ku, dan kemudian perlahan-lahan menyamarkan semua perasaan ku terhadapnya, rasa yang begitu pekat untuknya akhirnya tersamarkan oleh sebuah rasa yang kian memudar bersama samarnya warna kelabu.
Ketika tak ada lagi cinta disini

Tuesday, November 23, 2010
4:59 PM
Kesal, sedih, sepi, sendiri, berkecamuk dihati.
Tangis datang, tawa pun hilang.
Sendiri disini tanpa harapan pasti.
Aku terjatuh, terjerembab dalam lubang yang bernama kecewa.
Tak ada lagi cinta kurasa disini.
Aku ingin pergi, tapi kaki ku tak kuasa tuk melangkah.
Aku ingin berteriak, tapi suaraku tak kunjung terdengar.
Aku ingin meraung, menangis, mengumpat, mengutuk segala yang telah menyakiti hati…… tapi air mataku tak kunjung mengalir dan kata-kata ku tak kunjung terucap….
Apa yang menahanku?
Apa yang membebaniku?
Hatiku masih belum lega……
Hatiku masih bertanya-tanya….
Tuhan, redam hatiku untuk bersabar menerima semua cinta yang ternyata tidak lagi untukku
Genggam hatiku, agar ianya tetap bersamamu
Peluk erat hatiku, agar ianya kan selalu hangat diharibaanmu
Hanya kaulah yang mampu mengahapus air mata yang tak kunjung mengalir, menahan kakiku tuk melangkah jauh, menenangkan amarahku yang tak pernah terdengar.
Hanya padamu, aku mengadu, hanya padamu kakiku bersimpuh
Tabahkan aku tuhan, tabahkan hati hambamu yang besarnya tiada seberapa ini.
Hati yang mudah goyah, ketika kasih sayangmu datang dalam bentuk ujian…..
Semoga engkau selalu bersama hati hamba-hambamu yang sering galau……

Do you think if we talk about interest is going to be fun? For me, it is yes, but here we are going to talk about Niko Prins interest; that are politics and works. Well do you think it is going to be so serious? Let us make it easy.

Having a lot travels to different country, is quite interested for Niko Prins. He thought that, by learning how people interacted to each other and sharing their own characteristic of culture give a special impression to him. Beside that, a 20 years-old guy who is from South Petherton, England is also interested in politics. His traveling to Latin America, Brussels, Argentina, Peru and Now Indonesia indirectly took him to see different country with different politics system. When he visited his father in Peru and work in Legalizing National Park in Argentina, he oversaw the development of political system of each country. According to Niko, he saw some country are still progressing in developing their politics system such as Peru and Indonesia and the other they are getting to be better than the other like Brussels and Argentina. In his opinion, actually those country has the same basic political problem like economic crisis, some people who stole a lot of money from the society as we know the cool term is “corruptor” yet there are two countries is better than other and interested him they are Argentine and Brussels but he likes Argentina most. Besides he likes Argentina’s night life, Argentina’s wine, and Argentina’s young people, he also likes Argentina’s political system. As evidence, even though the presidential turnover occurred 3 times in a near time, the political system is still stable.

However, for his interest in work Niko does not concern to political world but based on his major when he studied in University of Liverpool that was International development of Environments. That is why, when he was staying in Argentina, he worked in Legalizing National Park and now in Jakarta a man who came from twenty-six month ago stay in Tebet, Jakarta Selatan have one year contract with the company; Global Environment Conservation Organization (WWF).

Even though his interest is about politics and his work has something to do with an environment, it does not mean that he is a boring and serious guy. There is the other side of him which is interesting to see besides his serious interest and work. Let us see! Niko Prins also join in one of private foundation in Jakarta. His job is as a person who looking for the money by sending the proposal to a company to become the donors for the private foundation. Does not he so favorable, does he? And then he also like to watch a movie, the genre is about thriller, horror, and a little bit romantic. What about his favorite music and actor? He likes jazz music; it is not an ancient music right? Because I think this genre is quite popular among adolescents. Brad pit? He also likes this actor. Then he love capoeira much, capoeira is an Afro-Brazillian art that is combined with arts, music and dance. He has the capoeira’s schedule three times a week. Are you still thinking that he is still a boring and serious guy? I wish this information will reduce that point.

The last is about his wishes. After his traveling to different country and he does not work anymore, he wants to concern to one point. He wants to be a master. He will study again and be a master of his major. Well, wish his dream will be come true.

Living in a Colourful of Colourless Ocean

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