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Pulang Kampung^^
Menyenangkan sekali tahun ini bisa pulang kampung lagi, yaaah meskipun dengan waktu yang sedikit dipaksakan sih sebenernya, harusnya kami ke banten dulu ke rumah Abah sehabis sahur hari sabtu tanggal 4 September dan berangkat ke Jambi sehabis sahur pula hari minggu tanggal 5 September namun kami malah sudah berangkat malam sabtunya ke banten dan langsung bablas ke jambi malam minggunya hufffttt. . . Sedikit cape dan melelahkan karena kesannya terburu-buru banget.

Belum lagi derita batere hape yang lowbat, saya tidak bisa keep in touching dg dunia networking karena yang tadinya berangkat terburu-buru jadi tidak sempat menge-cas, walhasil no phone sampai ke merak.

Beruntungnya di kapal menyediakan cas-an hanya dengan membayar Rp 5000rupiah, akhirnya saya pun dapat memberikan kabar kepada teman-teman saya,update status dan nge-twitt;-)

Tapi ada pula hal yang membanggakan bagi saya yaitu selama perjalanan saya tidak membatalkan puasa saya. Ramadhan kali ini benar-benar mengesankan dengan berhasilnya saya berpuasa selama diperjalanan. . .

Akhirnya hanya dengan waktu satu hari satu malam saya dan keluarga pun sampai dirumah saya di desa Rantau Ikil kecamatan Jujuhan Kabupaten Muara Bungo Provinsi Jambi pada jam 12 malamnya. Sungguh perjalanan yang tak terlupakan deh:-)

Jambi 6 September 2010
It's about my older and younger sister. I think they have a similarity, that is they like to trade something while I am not and I do not undrestand how to trade something because I just can buy or use it. I really do not have idea about trading.

Because of their similarity they like to share about their each experience, and they look so close. Maybe, you can say that I am jealous maybe that is true, I am jealous because I do not have something to be shared.

When we were gathered they talked much and I talked less because I could not join into their discussion because I really do not like trade.

And then, I also look like childish than my younger sister, I just do not understand it, or maybe my younger sister is getting adult or mature than me? O gosh, maybe I should learn how to be more mature.

And I think for my first problem I have to find out what thing that I can share together with them. So that I will not feel that I am in a strange island :-P, I will try it.

Living in a Colourful of Colourless Ocean

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Do you really wanna know me? really? are you sure? okay.... I'm gonna tell you a lil bit about me. I'm just a chaos and distractible girl. I'd love to randomly post anything which distracts me. So, my post could be a sad, gloomy, cheerful, cheesy, fashionable, messy, creative or stuck writing. Just Enjoy!!!! :D
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